Monday, January 28, 2013


Have you ever had the feeling that whatever you're struggling with, you're doing it alone?  Lately, I've felt like that.  I am struggling with so many things right now, but I feel like I can't share those struggles with anyone.  I need the power of prayer, but feel like I would come across as whining or complaining if I were to share these struggles and prayer requests with anyone.  Actually, I know that I'm not alone in these situations, but maybe it's more that I'm afraid of showing people my true self. 
Since our move to the country, I've felt more alone than I've felt in a long time.  I miss having random, last minute play dates, mom nights out, and work-out/chat sessions with friends.  Not only am I missing friends, my kids are too.  We've been out here for 7 months now, but it feels like so much longer.  When will we feel "settled" and not so alone??

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Why follow God?

Just finished reading another chapter in "Hope".  The author asked the question - "why are we serving God?"  Amidst pain, suffering, and loss, it's easy to question God.  She poses another question - "Do You not see me?  Do You not love me?"  And the answer to those questions?  "If I turn away from Jesus, where will I go?" 
I am at a point in my life where I am questioning God.  I am asking that same question - Do You not see me, God?  I know God and love Him with all my heart, but still feel confused and hurt.  I feel like I have been living my life the way God wants me to and striving to deepend my relationship with Him.  Despite that, I feel a distance between myself and God.  Hurt, feeling alone and longing for something to take these feelings away, I just have to continue reminding myself that God is still here with me.  So, as "Hope" says "I follow Jesus not because of what He can do for me, but because of what He's already done for me on the cross."  I have to remind myself that I'm not here to 'feel good'.  I am here to love Jesus and show others His love as well.  That is why I follow God.
Why do you follow God?  (Or, why not?)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I just recently started reading a new book.  It's called 'Hope For The Weary Mom.  Where God Meets You in Your Mess'.  I cannot say enough good things about this book.  It is absolutely amazing.  Has me in tears just about every time I sit down and read it.  Along with the book, I am following an online book club.  Each week (Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays), to go along with the chapter, there is a video and two posts.  It really is comforting to read and watch the video each week and realize that I'm not as alone as I thought I was.  God has brought together women for all across the country to read this book together and share together in our journeys as moms, wives, and children of Christ who are desperately in need of Hope.
If you are a mom and in search of hope, I urge you to get a copy of this book.  Check out the posts from the past few weeks.  It's not too late to join in the book study.
