Saturday, June 11, 2011

Being a God pleaser vs a people pleaser

Just about all my life I have tried to make sure that the people around me are happy and like me. I have tried to live up to what I thought other people wanted from me. For some reason, I think 30 changed me. Something inside of me said "hey, wake up, you're a grown up now!" I've always known that it's not what other people think, but what God thinks. But knowing and doing are two totally different things.
God tells us that we can not be a part of this world and even though that is a difficult thing sometimes - it is His command to us. I am trying daily to acknowledge that people may not like me and that it's okay. As long as I am striving to please God, it's okay. I don't need to have a lot of friends (although it's nice to have friends : ) ) I have a God who adores me!
So, I have learned that God is enough for me, and I have decided that I am no longer going to be a people pleaser.